
Bigger Pie Forum highlights how abundant and affordable power help fuel growth and prosperity. BPF is engaged in the regulatory oversight of electric utilities and aims to promote common sense solutions rooted in free-market economic principles.

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Bigger Pie Forum Projects

The Kemper County Clean Lignite Plant

Consumer Advocate


Not So Ready Kilowatt

Not So Ready Kilowatt

Regulators from Arkansas and Louisiana are buzzing around Entergy’s Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant. The buzz from those state regulators is a challenge filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which is Grand Gulf’s primary regulatory oversight.  Strangely, Mississippi’s regulators are not yet party to this latest investigation of Grand Gulf and its recent operations.  This begs the question — why not?

The New Map

BPF Book Review | “The New Map” by Daniel Yergin

Daniel Yergin is a premier authority on energy. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1992 for his book, The Prize. Now, he’s back with a warning about the monumental, once-in-a-lifetime transitions confronting the energy and automotive sectors. These transitions will cost trillions and create plenty of winners and losers as they unfold, so pay attention.

Entergy's Grand Gulf

Entergy’s Grand Gulf Is Causing Higher Electricity Bills for Its Customers

Entergy Mississippi customers are paying for power neither received nor even generated.

MS Public Service Commission

Mississippi’s Public Service Commission Needs Reforming, Not Expanding

The Mississippi Public Service Commission could have new law enforcement agents if a bill in the legislature becomes law. Does the PSC really need these policing services? In 2013, the PSC looked a $7.5 billion dollar boondoggle straight in the eyes…and blinked.  Enough is enough!

Southern CEO Dream

Southern Company’s Dream

The Southern Company’s dream of a multi-billion plant to transform lignite into electricity will be history in four short years. According to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the gasifiers and chemical plant will be scrapped by 2024. Remediation of the Liberty lignite mine will be completed this year.

Global Warming and the PSC

Is Global Warming a Hoax? A Scam? Is the PSC Serious?

A hoax is a humorous or malicious deception.  A scam is a dishonest scheme or swindle.  It’s a hoax for profit.  Hoaxes have made fools of the unwary, and scams have taken unwitting victims for a long time.  How do you avoid getting taken? Cicero asked: Cui bono — Who benefits?