Economic Growth

BPF consistently aims at encouraging Mississippi's State Government to perform their vital, core responsibilities. BPF is focused on ways to ensure the state government provides these responsibilities in an effective and cost efficient manner in our cities, where new economic ideas are born.

Featured Work

Bigger Pie Forum Projects

Mississippi River Flooding

Consumer Advocate


Book Review of Fossil Future

BPF Book Review of Alex Epstein’s “Fossil Future”

Fossil Future is chock full of data, charts and anecdotes telling in great detail the roles fossil fuels played in creating today’s cornucopia of abundance. Especially compelling are the “hockey-stick” charts that reveal the close correlation between the development of hydrocarbons and the dramatic rise of world GDP, world population, world life expectancy and human flourishing.

Mississippi's Golden Triangle

Where the Smart Money Goes

Capital goes where it’s welcome and stays where it’s appreciated. The CEO of Steel Dynamics said: “We are eager to expand our presence in Columbus, and we appreciate the warm welcome and support that we have received from Governor Tate Reeves and Mississippi.” 

A Strategy for MS Eco Growth

A Strategy for Mississippi Economic Growth

Mississippi leaders should clear the way for large, private electrical generation investments to supply cheap, dependable merchant power to fast-growing southeastern states.

Population Loss

Census Bureau’s State Count Estimate Shows Mississippi Has Population Loss

Population loss is a problem in Mississippi and recent population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau confirm the necessity that policymakers take notice.

What's the Matter in America's Heartland

What’s the Matter in America’s Heartland?

The remaining 25 mainly central states (red) participated in neither population nor economic growth near the national average for the past 50 years.  The GDP and population of these states collectively declined as a percentage of total U.S. figures.

U.S. Regions Measured by Population and GDP

U.S. Regions Measured by Population and GDP

When measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP or economic activity), growth of GDP or population, the U.S. easily separates into five regional groups.