Economic Growth

BPF consistently aims at encouraging Mississippi's State Government to perform their vital, core responsibilities. BPF is focused on ways to ensure the state government provides these responsibilities in an effective and cost efficient manner in our cities, where new economic ideas are born.

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Mississippi River Flooding

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Mini Mills, DeepSeek, and Amazon’s Data Centers

Mini Mills, DeepSeek, and Amazon’s Data Centers

In 1969, Nucor opened its first mini steel mill in Darlington, SC. Its small electric furnaces produced steel from scrap cheaper and faster than the big integrated mills’ blast furnaces could from iron ore. Nucor disrupted the steel industry. Today, it’s the largest and most diversified steel company in North America, with a $45 billion market cap. Mini mills now account for 70% of all steel produced in the U.S. Former industry giant U.S. Steel has only two integrated mills left, a market cap of $8 billion, and is seeking to be acquired. Sic transit gloria.

The Coming Wave

BPF Book Review of “The Coming Wave” by Mustafa Suleman

So where can one turn to better understand AI and how it might reorder America’s economy? A useful primer that makes the bull case for AI and provides good historical context is The Coming Wave – Technology, Power and the 21st Century’s Greatest Dilemma by Mustafa Suleyman with Michael Bhaskar. The book’s lead author, Mustafa Suleyman certainly has the creds to opine on this cutting-edge area of software, chips and algorithms.

Under the Bus

Under the Bus

You might think the Governor and the Legislature threw Entergy Mississippi’s 461,000 customers under the bus as a sacrifice to the Economic Development Gods when they exempted the Amazon project from PSC oversight.


Two Data Centers for Mississippi

There are over 10,000 data centers in the United States. But no big ones in Mississippi. That’s about to change – thanks to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and a package of goodies from the Governor and the MS Legislature. AWS will build two hyperscale data centers here. The first one will be in Madison County. AWS will invest $10 billion.

The Cloud Revolution

BPF Book Review | “The Cloud Revolution” by Mark Mills

Updated 1.29.24

“The Cloud Revolution Comes To Mississippi”

Fat Tuesday came early this year to Madison County with plenty of hollering, shouting and King Cake from the State Capitol to the Courthouse Square in Canton. Amazon Web Services (AWS) along State elected officials announced not one but two hyper-scale data centers with a total investment of $10 billion.

BPF Rotary Speech from Ashby Foote

The Rotary Club of North Jackson — Ashby Foote of Bigger Pie Forum

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