Mississippi River Commission Testimony: Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann in Vicksburg August 2019
Concerns about the detrimental effects occurring in the Mississippi Sound due to the freshwater intrusion from opening the Bonnet Carré Spillway this year coupled with the USACE’s decision to not open the Morganza Floodway prompts Secretary Hosemann to urge the Corps. of Engineers to find alternatives to the current operation.
Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann’s Testimony at the MRC Hearing in Vicksburg, MS.
The above testimony is a segment taken from the 2019 MRC Hearing in Vicksburg, MS and is selected for BPF’s interest.
Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann’s Mississippi River Commission Presentation
Letter to USACE from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office July 11, 2019
Letter to USACE from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office August 14, 2019
Ms needs to sue stop talking and sue ACE for the issue that they caused