BPF researches and shares educational information encouraging Mississippi’s Economic Freedom while discouraging Crony Capitalism to increase Mississippi’s Economic Growth. BPF focuses on Constitutional Foundations, Education, Energy, Environment, Health Care, Federal Government & Agencies, Mississippi State Government & Agencies and Regulatory Abuses & Reforms.

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BPF Podcasts

Celebrating Laurel Mississippi

Bigger Pie Forum

Legislative Session

MS Legislative Session

Policy helping Mississippi's economy grow.

Bigger Pie Forum

MS River Flooding

Mississippi River Flooding

Time to change the flood control plan – before it’s too late.

Bigger Pie Forum



PERS needs sensible change to ensure its long-term viability

Bigger Pie Forum

MS Grid Stability
Research Topic

Mississippi's Electric Grid Stability

Unreliable and unpredictable sources of electricity (renewables) cause grid instability (blackouts) and higher electricity rates.

Bigger Pie Forum

Recent Commentary

 A Tale of Two Years and Two Worlds

Charles Dickens put it well 165 years ago, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…” This is an apt metaphor for the stock market and the world in 2023 and perhaps for 2024 as well. Last year saw seven magnificent technology stocks promising glorious productivity gains from Artificial Intelligence (AI) lead the S&P 500 to dramatic double-digit returns


And Another One Bites the Dust

Enviva has been in the news lately. Mongabay News reported a company whistleblower (they’re everywhere) says the company’s green claims are fraudulent. The claims also defy common sense. But so do solar plants that supply electricity 25% of the time when it’s needed 24-7-365. Hey, you’re not supposed to ask if green energy makes common sense or economic sense. Just pretend it does.


A Conversation with Mark Mills on the Future of Energy

We delve deep into the complex world of energy with expert Mark Mills of the Manhattan Institute as he debunks myths and shines a light on the future.  From the realities of electric vehicles to the impact of green energy on the mining industry, we cover it all.


Academic Fraud Busters

Who you gonna call when a Harvard Business School tenured professor lies about her research? Research about why people lie and cheat. Fraud Busters, that’s who. A recent Wall Street Journal article profiled three academic fraud busters. They’re busy.


BPF Book Review: Reframe Your Brain by Scott Adams

Reframing how one looks at the world and life itself can be a great way to get out of an old rut and find a new groove and Reframe Your Brain presents a systematic approach to incorporate reframing into your everyday life.


A Local Perspective: Soaring Pension Costs Puts Pressure on Budgets

When the PERS Board voted to increase taxpayer funding by raising the “employer contribution rate” five percentage points at a cost of $265 million, most attention was given to state-supported entities (think: agencies, K-12 public schools, community colleges, and public universities). Yet the total funding required by this rate hike is $345 million, with some $80 million in new financial obligations placed squarely on the shoulders of Mississippi’s cities and counties.  Unless something changes, the new rate (and higher costs) become effective July 1, 2024.


Mississippi River Flooding Charts


Charts indicating the frequency for flooding in pre- and post-1973 at various points along the Mississippi River.