BPF Book Review: Reframe Your Brain by Scott Adams
Reframe Your Brain – The User Interface for Happiness and Success by Scott Adams.
If you suffer high anxiety that your job, career and future earning power may soon crumble to the force of the latest Darth Vader – technologic Death Star, Artificial Intelligence (AI), you need to do yourself a big favor and read Scott Adams’ latest book, Reframe Your Brain –The User Interface for Happiness and Success. High anxiety about AI or anything else for that matter can create a debilitating mindset, but it can be overcome, and reframing as the author explains is a promising way to address it.
Scott Adams is most famous as the creator of the Dilbert comic strip which enjoyed a 33-year run before it’s cancelation earlier this year for anti-woke plotlines. While Dilbert is Scott’s most notable success, he has also authored numerous self-help books and hosts a popular podcast, Coffee with Scott Adams. Observing the world through the spectacled eyes of Dilbert for 33 years, combined with professional hypnotist training, has provided Scott with deep and keen insight into the mysterious workings of the human mind. Now, he has taken those well-honed insights and published a self-help book for the rest of the 21st century.
Reframing how one looks at the world and life itself can be a great way to get out of an old rut and find a new groove and Reframe Your Brain presents a systematic approach to incorporate reframing into your everyday life. How does it work? Words, powerful words that can transform how you think about events and other things. Words matter. The right words will shape your thoughts in ways that improve outcomes and performance. The reframes don’t have to be factual they just have to work. One might call them words of self-persuasion.
The book offers 166 specific reframe examples in multiple categories such as Mental Health, Physical Health, Social Life, Success and Reality. With each reframe the author provides an anecdotal explanation of how it might help the reader. Some examples:
- On diet and weight management, “Usual Frame: When I am hungry, I eat food. Reframe: Some food is fuel. Some food is entertainment.”
- On drinking, “Usual Frame: Alcohol is a beverage. Reframe: Alcohol is poison.”
- On reality, “Usual Frame: Nuclear power is risky. Reframe: Nuclear power is green.”
- On social life, “Usual Frame: No one seems to find me attractive. Reframe: I haven’t met enough people.”
- On communication, “Usual Frame: The experts are in charge. Reframe: The best communicator is in charge.
- On reality, “Usual Frame: Predicting people’s actions involve many variables. Reframe: Follow the money. That’s all you need.
- On success, “Usual Frame: I fail at 90% of the things I try. Reframe: I only need to succeed 10% of the time.
- On success: “Usual Frame: Another problem! Why me??? Reframe: Ooh, a new puzzle to solve.”
You get the drift. Reframing is a valuable life skill that is misunderstood and grossly underappreciated. What Scott Adams presents in Reframe Your Brain is a fresh systemic process of creative thinking that can help people overcome negative situations that stymie their lives and stunt their future. So, get a copy, read it and upgrade your “User Interface for Happiness and Success”.
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